INKERMAN WINERY, reality is here... by Home Of Vintage!
Dry vintage wines with bright individuality and refinement of taste. The trade mark assortment includes well-known wines:Cabernet Kachinsky, Cabernet Crimean, Aligote Crimean, Riesling Alkadar, Pearl of Inkerman, Sauvignon Crimean, Rkatsiteli of Inkerman, and port Sevastopol.
Wines of the trade mark are made on a unique enterprise of classical Crimean winemaking; that is Inkerman Factory of Vintage Winesbeing an absolute leader in making dry vintage wines in Ukraine and having admirers of its production in many countries around the world.
INKERMAN TM wines are aged in underground passageways of the calcareous stratum close to legendary Chersonese. Classical know-how coupled with special conditions of aging enable brand INKERMAN to make a high class product. The total area of IFVW’s wine cellars makes 5.5 hectares.
Wines of the INKERMAN trade mark were awarded 16 cups of Grand prix, 130 gold, 60 silver and 11 bronze medals, Cup Leader of the Year 2004, award Star of Quality 2004, sign 100 Best Products of the Year 2004. Each award has its story, each award is a recognition of wine quality and gratitude for wine-makers’ work.
INKERMAN wines are delivered to all the regions of Ukraine, to Russia, Poland, Germany. Home Of Vintage makes it now youre reality!!!